What an Actual Founding-Style Revolution Would Look Like
In three months President Trump has done much to reorient our nation's cultural and political compass. But more needs to be done. What's needed is a founding-style revolution.
There can be no doubt that President Trump’s final term will be consequential beyond even the most optimistic voter’s dreams. He is identifying waste in government, gaining control over the border, working towards a balanced budget, defending America on the global stage, strategically reclaiming the Western Hemisphere as America’s, and bringing hope back to our moribund nation. Almost every issue he is championing is more popular than he is, which bodes well for future Republican prospects. The GOP is now, at worst, on the right side of 60/40 issues and, at best, on the right side of 80/20 issues.
His presidency appears to have legs or coattails, or whatever metaphor is needed to indicate that its influence will stick, and which others can carry on into the future. Pick any two of the above accomplishments and that would be sufficient to qualify as a historic presidency. If he can achieve them all, Trump 2.0 will be viewed as being in the same ballpark as America’s original Revolution.
There can be no doubt that this is where Trump wants to be seen historically. He wants to be - if not literally – at least figuratively placed on the Mount Rushmore of our greatest presidents. He wants people to be talking about the Age of Trump many years from now, as we might speak of the Age of Caesar or Charlemagne or Napoleon. He doesn’t think small. He believes he can save America from imperial collapse…and though he understands that he won’t be able to finish this work in a mere four years, he can put us back on the path to greatness.
But to be truly revolutionary, he can’t just be a really, really successful president. Because our nation has strayed so far from its founding principles and revolutionary character, the tasks before him are monumental. Cutting spending, building our defense, and controlling the border are all wonderful things that will benefit myself and my family. But the most important activity here is reversing the Counter-Revolution that began in the early 1900s (specifically circa 1913).
President Trump will need, at some point, to become “Grampa Trump.” By that I mean he will need to sit the family down and tell some hard stories. He will need to tell the American people that it’s not just that their government spends too much money, but that it has done some really terrible things as well. As a nation, yes, we have also done incredible things. We are the nation that won wars, put a man on the moon and invented great technology. We have also done some horrible things and, in the future, we must commit ourselves to do better.
That is why the release of the JFK files, in particular, is so important, and why the complications with the release of the Epstein files is so troubling. Those files are a first step to healing because, we hope, they will contain the truth about what our government and some of its citizens have been up to.
But the corruption goes far beyond who killed JFK or which Congressmen Jeffrey Epstein had compromising information on. We should trust Trump enough to level with us, and seeing as this is his last chance to be president, if he really wants to be a Founding-level Revolutionary we have to peel the lid back on at least these basic realities:
Our money supply is not legitimate. The Federal Reserve is not “federal”, nor a “reserve.” We need a legitimate currency.
The CIA has committed dastardly acts, from coups in foreign nations, international drug running, and political assassinations, possibly to include JFK’s. We can’t be the greatest county in the world if/when our intelligence services acts as the CIA has in the past.
The income tax is a punishment on labor, and the property tax means we are merely renters from the government. Both must be abolished (or at least changed significantly).
The welfare state has failed. Even if its moral intentions were good, the welfare state has only made us an immigration magnet and a destroyer of homes and families.
Our nation’s infrastructure has remained stagnant for thirty years. As Brian Lantz has laid out in his book Rebuild USA: The Trump Presidency and Beyond, we need major innovation (renovation) in everything from tool and die (machinist) skills, water procurement, lumber harvesting, nuclear power, shipbuilding, and much more if we really are going to be great again.
So long as we tolerate the practice of abortion, we have the stain of child sacrifice on our nation, and we cannot hope to be blessed. It is unlikely that Trump will make any changes in this arena, but perhaps his newly-Catholic successor can live up to Rome’s language on abortion and abolish it forever.
Government efficiency is great, but what we really need is a reset. No, not some globalist “Great Reset,” but one that is for and by Americans. Trump may be the only president in our lifetimes who can (and will) tell us the truth about our government and get us back on track to national restoration. If he tells the truth, I think we can handle it; most of us already know most of it anyways. But as painful as it might seem, it needs to be publicly acknowledged before we will be on our way to true healing and lasting prosperity.
Photo Credit- Los Angeles Times
"tool and dye (machinist) skills"
That's "tool and die".
plural dies dice
1. any of various devices for cutting or forming material in a press or a stamping or forging machine.
2. a hollow device of steel, often composed of several pieces to be fitted into a stock, for cutting the threads of bolts or the like.
3. one of the separate pieces of such a device.
4. a steel block or plate with small conical holes through which wire, plastic rods, etc., are drawn.
5. an engraved stamp for impressing a design upon some softer material, as in coining money.
“But the most important activity here is reversing the Counter-Revolution that began in the early 1900s (specifically circa 1913).”
I find it odd that few people ever seize on this. The Wilson administration regarded the constitution as a road block. Which of course it is specifically intended to be. But starting with Wilson our government’s efforts to go around began. The idea that citizens were too stupid to be trusted and the idea that we should instead be ruled by experts is insidious and it has metastasized.
Regarding your suggestions:
1) What would this legit currency look like?
2) CIA does need an overhaul.
3) After abolishing income and property taxes how would the gov’t fill the coffers? A consumption tax would be insufficient.
4) Welfare state; if only the Johnson administration would have listened to Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s predictions. His crystal ball was perfect.
5) Yes. Our policies resulted in crushing labor, shutting down factories, etc It can be rebuilt. We need state of the art steel production, energy independence, many many new nuclear plants to charge all of those electric cars that are forced on us, etc
6) Abortion has been relegated to the states. I whole heartedly support that. Not sure if the federal government has the authority to pre-empt the issue (take it away from the states).
Enjoyed your article.